Sunday, September 6, 2009

Friday, September 4, 2009

At work on my new day job!

So this week I started my new job at Lifetouch Preschool Portraits and I am just loving it. Since making the decision to leave Preschool leadership after 12 years, I was looking to something different but in the same arena. I still get to be around preschool children each day but I don't have to deal with the rest of the stuff that goes along with it. I only have to be in each school for a few hours to make each little one smile and capture the precious moments. Plus this is a great way for me to learn another art that goes hand in hand with my makeup artistry. I can do my own photo shoots! I am living life and loving Lifetouch.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

A Career Dream Come True

I absolutely LOVE being a Motives beauty adviser. Since being involved with the company I have learned so much...

With the hottest color combinations and the ability to customize your look, Motives delivers revolutionary, cutting-edge cosmetics, state of the art simplicity and a high-resolution finish. No matter what the look, Motives allows you the power to be whomever you want and is the perfect way to express yourself. The success of Motives is much deeper than just beauty. By becoming a Motives Color Consultant not only are you helping others to look and feel beautiful but you have the power to achieve your financial potential and bring dreams to life!
There are no rules or boundaries, just endless possibilities.
Love the products, Love the money I make, Love the people I meet, and Love the trends I learn! I LOVE MOTIVES!
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Stay awesome!